Source code for atomshields.checkers.targetblank

# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import re
from base import GenericChecker, checker
from atomshields import Issue, CommandHelper

[docs]class TargetBlankChecker(GenericChecker): NAME = "targetblank" DESCRIPTION = """Detecta vulnerabilidades 'Target Blank' en ficheros HTML""" CONFIG = { "enabled": True, "exclude_paths": ["/test/", "/docs/"] } REGEX = ur"(<a (?=.*href=(['\"])(https?:)?\/\/.*?\2)(?!.*rel=(['\"])(.*\bnoopener\b.*\bnoreferrer\b.*|.*\bnoreferrer\b.*\bnoopener\b.*)\4)[^>]*target=(['\"]?)_blank\6[^>]*)(>)([^<]*)(<\/a>)?" def __init__(self): super(TargetBlankChecker, self).__init__() @checker def run(self): regex = "target.*_blank" command = """grep -rile "{regex}" "{path}" """.format(path=self.path, regex = regex) cmd = CommandHelper(command) cmd.execute() lines = cmd.output.split("\n") for line in lines: if not line.startswith(self.path): continue #line is the file which contains "target.*_blank" # Ignore paths excluded rel_path = line.replace(self.path, "") if rel_path.startswith(tuple(self.CONFIG['exclude_paths'])): continue # get content f = open(line, 'r') content = f.close() prog = re.compile(TargetBlankChecker.REGEX, re.MULTILINE) matches = prog.finditer(content) matches_data = [] matchNum = 0 for _matchNum, match in enumerate(matches): matchNum += 1 matches_data.append( if matchNum > 0: issue = Issue() = "Target _blank vulnerability" issue.file = line.replace(self.path, "") issue.severity = Issue.SEVERITY_MEDIUM details = ["""It has been found that your 'a' tags with attribute target="_blank" don't have the attribute rel="noopener", and this makes possible to carry out phishing attacks.""", "Lines affected:"] details += matches_data issue.details = "\n".join(details) self.saveIssue(issue)